1 Killgore Trout  Apr 28, 2008 9:51:30pm


If/when there is bloodshed, it will be the same violence going on against non-believers, infidels in Islamic countries. Read the Koran. Read it in conjunction to what is going on and being said in Islam today. When they take over any European country or any other non-Muslim country, clearly the only possible “genocidal plan” will be to kill off all the men and take all the women and children as sex slaves to prevent a revolt that will undo their take over. There may very well be a massive slaughter and enslavement but I assure you it will be Islamic jihad against the nonbelievers. That is the very real scenario that everyone needs to know and come to grips with

She’s on board with the genocide agenda.

2 NY Nana  Apr 28, 2008 9:58:08pm

re: #1 Killgore Trout


She’s on board with the genocide agenda.

Just as she was on about 31 Oct. 2007…still stuck on stupid.

3 Macker  Apr 28, 2008 10:01:01pm

And Ragnar calls Atlas a “he”. What a frakkin’ IDIOT.

4 jaunte  Apr 28, 2008 10:06:33pm

Yes, he gets Atlas’ sex wrong, and mis-spells non-sequitur, but he’s right in his analysis of her writing, and that El Ingles’ essay sets up a false set of alternative choices.

5 Catttt  Apr 28, 2008 10:09:54pm

re: #3 Macker

And Ragnar calls Atlas a “he”. What a frakkin’ IDIOT.

Geez. Big deal, man. It’s a good analysis.

6 Killgore Trout  Apr 28, 2008 10:11:48pm

re: #2 NY Nana

It’s an interesting insight into her thought process….

First off, the Muslims are not the Jews.

She seems to be alluding to the fact that Muslims deserve genocide.

7 Catttt  Apr 28, 2008 10:30:49pm

re: #6 Killgore Trout

It’s an interesting insight into her thought process….

She seems to be alluding to the fact that Muslims deserve genocide.

I feel I can read between the lines - but I know her hot buttons and hooks already. An essay should appeal to the uninformed and win him or her over, not perplex him or her.

An essay also should also not make the reader visualize the writer as a Nazi Jack Kerouac.

8 Student of Objectivism  Apr 28, 2008 11:42:49pm

re: #3 Macker

And Ragnar calls Atlas a “he”. What a frakkin’ IDIOT.

What a mature, polite person you are!

9 Student of Objectivism  Apr 28, 2008 11:47:20pm

Nice to meet you Ragnar. Maybe you can help me out the next time I am attacked by a swarm of lizards.

10 winston06  Apr 29, 2008 1:09:24am

re: #6 Killgore Trout

what has gone wrong with Pamela?

11 Josephine  Apr 29, 2008 4:45:37am

Atlas writes: “Why is this dangerous kerfuffle ridiculous or as Mick Jagger said at Altamont, ‘Why are we fighting?!?’”

Does she not realize what she is saying?

Altamont was a “ridiculous,” “dangerous kerfuffle”?

The Rolling Stones befriended the Hells Angels, thinking they were a harmless social club. The bikers started insisting that they provide security at concerts by various bands and the bands agreed (some felt pressured to agree).

Mick and the Stones were later surprised and horrified when the Hells Angels members acted like the lawless, violent criminals they were and killed a concert-goer.

Atlas used the wrong analogy. Altamont is an object lesson for those who advocate making alliances with fascist, neo-Nazi groups.

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